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What is Kurrious?

Kurrious is a software program developed by Monarch* that uses advanced AI and Large Language Models (LLM) to help organizations optimize their fleet operations.

Kurrious can be integrated with a variety of fleet management technologies. It then pulls information from those touchpoints to deliver a simple, chat-based program aimed to help streamline and analyze all of the different data points that make up fleet logistics

*Monarch is the parent company of Kurrious. Monarch is a partnered with top-tier IOT companies that have a focus on cloud-based technology in safety and security.

Kurrious Customers

  • Trucking
  • Education
  • Municipalities
  • Construction
An image of a tree with kurrious lines on it.

Meet our Founders

A man in a blue shirt curiously smiling for the camera.

Chase Gonzales

CEO & Founder, Monarch
  • Founded Monarch in 2017
  • Background in technology sales and channel partnerships
  • Passions lie in entrepreneurship, coding, and innovative technologies
A long-haired man standing in front of a city.

Eric Knoll

CTO, Monarch
  • Data scientist and Machine Learning expert
  • P.h.D. in Quantum Chemistry from Columbia University
  • Background in finance, advertising, healthcare, and logistics

The Problem

Fleet management technology has evolved to solve for a variety of operational challenges:

  • Routing
  • Driver safety
  • Maintenance and diagnostics
  • Reporting and logs
  • Customer communication

Acquiring this data has become easy and almost instant.

But how can this data be analyzed and used to make business decisions?

A Kurrious semi truck driving down a wet road.

The Solution

Kurrious leverages OpenAI and Large Language Models to deliver a simple-to-use platform that includes:

  • A chatbot that can handle a high volume of customer inquiries
  • A virtual assistant to help with scheduling, organization, and so much more
  • Machine learning algorithms that can analyze data and provide business insights

What does Kurrious solve for?

A row of white Kurrious trucks parked in a parking lot.


  • Route optimization to save time and fuel costs
  • Predictive maintenance and repair to reduce the likelihood of breakdowns
  • Fleet management to improve efficiency and reduce risk
A warehouse with blue lights in the background, creating a kurrious atmosphere.


  • Prediction of cargo needs for optimization
  • Driver coaching, safety, and workflow protocols
  • Automation of compliance with regulations to avoid fines and penalties
A curious network of 3D connections.


  • Analyzing customer feedback to improve service
  • Planning expansion to grow business and profits
