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Best Cloud Based Access Control
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Monarch provides a range of cloud-based Verkada security cameras and accessories that work together seamlessly.
Verkada Pricing and Product Comparison Guide
4339 views | 0 comments
Monarch provides a range of cloud-based Verkada security cameras and accessories that work together seamlessly.
Benefits of Security Cameras in Classrooms
2047 views | 0 comments
Cameras in classrooms are used to monitor threats, address in-class bullying, and hold teachers accountable for healthy teaching methods.
School Security Cameras and AI Tech: Connecting Campuses
3447 views | 0 comments
Most cameras use cloud-based school security cameras so security can be easily scaled and feeds can be monitored from anywhere.
Dome Vs Bullet Camera Explained
2586 views | 0 comments
The biggest differences between dome vs bullet cameras are the shape, field of view, and location of installation.
Security Cameras in Schools, Customer Success
2176 views | 0 comments
The best security cameras in schools are scalable and operate from a hybrid cloud system. Footage is stored on the camera and in the cloud.
Goodbye DVR vs NVR, Hello Hybrid Cloud
2708 views | 0 comments
Verkada cameras do not use a DVR or NVR to record footage. Using a hybrid cloud system, footage is stored on the camera and in the cloud.
AI-Designed Dash Cameras for Schools
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Fleet dash cams for schools are installed in school buses and include a dual-facing camera and a Vehicle Gateway box that tracks the GPS.
AI Video Analytics for License Plate Recognition
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Video Analytics License Plate Recognition uses a telephoto lens and AI design to capture footage and insights that help secure your business.